The Nose Remembers Everything!

The Nose Remembers Everything!

As soon as we are born, we associate scents with our surroundings and the people we are closest to, usually mom, dad, and siblings. While growing up, we also learn about the aroma of foods, minty toothpaste, fresh-cut flowers, and the heavenly aroma of grandma’s...
Living With A Narcissist And Not Knowing It!

Living With A Narcissist And Not Knowing It!

Are you in a relationship with someone leaving you puzzled and doubting yourself daily? Do you feel worthless or not smart enough? Do you blame yourself constantly that you aren’t good enough? Are you attentive to your spouse and do everything possible to please...
Can Pets Have Stuck Emotions From Trauma?

Can Pets Have Stuck Emotions From Trauma?

Do pets have emotions? You bet they do! Have you ever visited a shelter and noticed a dog quietly hovering in the corner of a cage, shaking uncontrollably from multiple fears? I sure have! Most of these animals have endured some form of untold trauma which...
What’s The Scoop On Aromatherapy Safety?

What’s The Scoop On Aromatherapy Safety?

Are you an avid consumer of Essential Oils, or do you know someone in your friendship circle who is? Your answer will be more than likely a “yes.” Second question: have you ever taken a seminar or workshop that discussed any of the Essential Oils safety issues in...
Is it Possible I have PTSD?

Is it Possible I have PTSD?

Nearly every time someone mentions PTSD, we immediately think of our brave men and women in the military. While many have gone through severe traumas, such as being soldiers in war, escaping explosions, or witnessing their comrades dying, PTSD runs rampant everywhere...

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